Welcome to the Seattle Branch of the Royal Aeronautical Society
The aim of this site is to keep members informed of upcoming events in the
Society, and provide information for prospective members on what the Royal
Aeronautical Society (RAeS) is and why they should consider joining.
Seattle Branch
The Seattle Branch was formed in 1999 and has a steadily growing membership and a strong lecture program that hosts three lectures per year at the Museum of Flight.
The Seattle Branch enjoys a close relationship with the world class Seattle Museum of Flight which is where our lectures and events generally take place. The Seattle Branch is administered by an elected president, secretary, treasurer and chairman, assisted by committee members.
Please welcome our new board members to the team! The current list of board members may be viewed here.
A new initiative for 2019-2020 is to begin posting video recordings of our lectures on this website - please stay tuned for updates and for our first lecture, given by Jim Wood of Insitu, to be posted online.
Due to COVID-19 closures, our May 19, 2020 lecture date and all lectures since have been cancelled indefinitely. Our speaker for the May lecture was to have been Denny Bekemeyer of Bekemeyer Aviation Law Offices. He hopefully will present the lecture And Just How Do Airlines Pay for All Those Airplanes whenever in-person events again become the norm. 